June Shannon Wins (Temporary) Custody of Granddaughter Ahead of Hearing

In the wake of Anna Cardwell’s tragic passing, a legal battle has emerged. And June has scored a custody win. … June Shannon Wins (Temporary) Custody of Granddaughter Ahead of Hearing was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.

June Shannon Wins (Temporary) Custody of Granddaughter Ahead of Hearing

In the wake of Anna Cardwell’s tragic passing, a legal battle has emerged. And June has scored a custody win.

Mama June Shannon is suing for permanent custody of one of her granddaughters, Kaitlyn Clark.

Though Kaitlyn’s biological father is not in the picture, her sister’s is. And he says that both girls belong with him.

June’s recent courtroom vicotry isn’t the end of it. And even her fans aren’t sure if it’s a “win” for her granddaughter.

June Shannon on TV
June Shannon speaks to the camera in this scene from her reality show. (Image Credit: WEtv)

E! News reports that Mama June Shannon has received temporary custody of 11-year-old granddaughter Kaitlyn Clark.

As we previously reported, she had filed a petition in Georgia, seeking full and permanent custody of Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn was already living with June. Apparently, this began even before the tragic passing of Anna Cardwell.

Anna Cardwell poses with daughters Kaitlyn Clark and Kylee Cardwell. Eldridge Toney is also there.
In this 2020 photo, Anna Cardwell poses with daughters Kaitlyn Clark and Kylee Cardwell. With them was Anna’s longtime boyfriend and future husband, Eldridge Toney. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

For most of the family, they always imagined that Kaitlyn would live with June. But clearly, Kaitlyn’s sister Kylee Cardwell’s father, Michael, sees things differently.

In the wake of Anna’s passing, Michael Cardwell filed for custody of Kaitlyn.

Though he never legally adopted her and is not her biological relative, he says that he has been a fixture in her life. Michael even shared that after parting ways with Anna, he would take Kaitlyn during Kylee’s visitation.

A screenshot of June Shannon giving an interview.
Mama June Shannon has given numerous interviews about the downward spiral that turned her life upside down. (Image Credit: Entertainment Tonight Canada)

Legally speaking, Kaitlyn does not have a father.

June notes that Kaitlyn has resided with her since December 9, when Anna Cardwell died.

Previously, June received temporary legal guardianship over Kaitlyn.

Anna Cardwell and family
Prior to her tragic passing, Anna Cardwell posed here in the hospital alongside her loved ones. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Legal arguments

“More recently, approximately one month before her passing the mother and child began residing with [June],” June’s filing reads.

According to June, she is not “aware of any interested parties other than herself that would have standing to seek custody of the child.”

June believes that residing with her on a permanent basis is in Kaitlyn’s best interests.

June Shannon and late daughter
Our thoughts remain with June Shannon in the wake of her daughter’s death. (Image Credit: TikTok)

Michael’s arguments are that June and Anna spent years estranged, and that June is not a reliable parent.

The court will ultimately determine Kaitlyn’s custody situation. Both sides will present arguments and evidence.

However, a judge has already granted June’s emergency motion. The court awarded her sole custody until a future hearing.

Anna Cardwell snaps this selfie in a kelly green sweater.
Wearing glasses, Anna Cardwell snaps this selfie in a kelly green sweater. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

It is, of course, heartbreaking to think of Kylee and Kaitlyn having to live apart. Reportedly, they both remain in close contact as they grieve their mother.

It is possible that this is the best situation for both girls. But none of us know all of the facts.

The best that any of us can do is cross our fingers and hope that family court gets it right. Sometimes they do.

June Shannon Wins (Temporary) Custody of Granddaughter Ahead of Hearing was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.