Interior Designs

Where to Watch 'Play Dead' Starring Bailee Madison

Your guide to watching the horror thriller Play Dead (2023): where it's streaming, whether it's coming to theaters, and more.

Best Shows on Amazon Prime Video to Watch Right Now (April...

Look no further for your Prime Video browsing needs, as we've compiled a list of the best TV shows to watch on the streaming service...

Stranger Things: Sideshow Unveils The Demogorgon, Eleven,...

Sideshow has unveiled new Stranger Things collectibles including 1/6 scale versions of the Demogorgon, Eleven, and Dustin Henderson.

American Gigolo Showrunner Departs Series Following Misconduct...

David Hollander has left his role as showrunner on the Showtime, Paramount TV Studios remake series American Gigolo, following misconduct...

Best Voltron Legendary Defender Episodes

From universe-shattering battles to trips to the local space mall, here are Voltron's 11 best episodes.

Fantastic Beasts 3 Continues Conjuring Franchise&Low at...

The third addition to the Fantastic Beasts film franchise has conjured up a bleak box office, due to its problematic creator and cast.

Studies Show Authentic Cultural Depictions Yield Better...

A new study suggests that films with authentic cultural depictions yield better financial returns.

How The Darjeeling Limited Explores Grief With Cross&Cultural...

The Darjeeling Limited functions as a methodically paced meditation on the ever-changing process of grief.

E.T. Made Steven Spielberg Consider Being a Dad for the...

Ahead of an screening of 'E.T.' filmmaker Steven Spielberg spoke about how working on that set made him consider fatherhood for the...

Doctor Strange 2 IMAX Poster Alludes to Shattered Realities

The new IMAX poster reveals shattered glass ahead of the premiere of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The Downfall of Betty Boop's Creators, the Fleischer Brothers

They gave the world Betty Boop and brought Popeye to life, but they couldn't keep their studio - or their relationship - going.

The Witch, The Lighthouse, and How Robert Eggers Uses Ambiguity

Robert Eggers' first two movies take two different approaches to ambiguity, but both reinforce his vision.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Continues Zooming Laps Around the...

Sonic 2 continues to make its mark on the global box office in its third weekend, picking up an impressive $142 million.

Best Paul Rudd Performances, Ranked From Ant&Man to This...

From joining the MCU as Ant-Man, to his turn as a camp counselor in cult favorite Wet Hot American Summer, Paul Rudd can do comedy...

How Selena Became a Queer Latinx Classic

Jennifer Lopez as Selena has become a classic amongst Latinx queers over the past 25 years. Here's why.

Heropanti 2 Trailer Teases Tiger Shroff’s Ridiculous Action...

The second trailer for Heropanti 2 teases the film's ridiculous action & features the acclaimed Nawazuddin Siddiqui, hamming it...